Breaking Down The Homescreen 📱
Sunday morning hobby. No screens were harmed.
As I was removing Snapchat from my homescreen yesterday, I started challenging every other app.
Later, at the bar 🥂, we were comparing homescreens with friends. I thought it was quite funny/interesting to hear explanations on why one has different apps at different positions etc.
Tell me what apps you use and I will tell you what you are.
Therefore this morning 🌞 I tried to break down my own homescreen in an honest fashion:
This is a rough/amateur version of what M.G. Siegler does every year. But I’d like to see more “normal” chap like me doing that as well. Everybody has a reason to put or not an app on their homescreen!
And for people like Fred Wilson this would be a “I’m an investor.” for most of the apps 😂
A possible next step could be to post a screenshot of the homescreen of every app on the homescreen…!