The Gentleman Coder
Sounds cool right?!
At the end of November last year, I went back to my parents’ for a long week-end. 🛬
They live in the French Alps → It was duckin’ freezing cold outside → I needed warm gloves. ❄
My dad drove me to the shops 🚗 to buy gloves, and the good ol’ serendipity stroke again: I ended up buying a “doudoune” instead.
A “doudoune” is like a bin bag but you can wear it as a coat and it keeps you warm (but it still looks like a bin bag 🙈).
Anyway, I noticed the brand of this very item of clothing:
“Gentleman Farmer”.
Out of curiosity, I looked up the meaning and the first result was: “a man whose wealth or income from other sources permits him to farm for pleasure rather than for basic income.”
I loved the idea and I started cherishing my “Doudoune” like no other bin bag before. 💕
You ain’t no farmer bruv!
I know mate, I know.
One year later. ⌛
Whilst being on the train back to my parents’ again, it came to my mind that my dad was actually a “Gentleman Doctor”: he’s retired but keeps working. Not for the money, just for pleasure. That’s pretty darn cool I’d say! 👍
What about me?!
I didn’t go to med school so I had to come up with something different. After some pretty intense thinking 😅 there it is the definition you’ve been waiting for:
“Gentleman Coder”
A man whose wealth or income from other sources permits him to code for pleasure rather than for basic income.
Right now I can’t really say that I’m this Gentleman Coder, given that I’m betting my career/life/money on my startup thingy 🙃
But hopefully one day I’ll be writing my parentheses just for the fun of it 🙏
And what about you? Are you a Gentleman Coder?!